The Rape of Anna Nicole: Where's the Fire?
The Rape of Anna Nicole: Where's the Fire?: "The Rape of Anna Nicole
· 3 days ago · 4 votes so far · you voted for this
The reason this is an important story:--the first is simply why is there the infactuation and interest? To understand this says something about Anna Nicole--but much more about American/ Western culture.
Another thing, which has been almost ignored by the feminist bloggers--is that this is the story of the rape and degradation of Anna Nicole. She became an object of scorn in our endless jokes--because she was such a little foolish hussy. And it is so much fun to tease the trampy girls--they just keep coming back for more.
And now the rape continues as the guys force every cent and bit of self respect out of her.
But that is ok--like all victims of rape--she asked for it:http://girlinshortshorts.blogs…"