Topic Brainstorming and Link-hunt for blogs analyzing gender/race/class/sexuality/etc in an area of interest of pop culture
Topic Brainstorming and Link-hunt for blogs analyzing gender/race/class/sexuality/etc in an area of interest of pop culture
Due: Friday, July 9th by 1pm
Gather Links on 5 of the topics you listed on your brainstorming sheet.
Try searching for words/phrases with the specific area of pop culture you're trying to find.
feminist analysis "big love"
feminist analysis twilight
feminism "Lady Gaga"
For each of the five blog posts you find, include the following info:
Title of blog post (which should be be linked to the URL by clicking on the link button in the new post at the top of the editing box, then type the title of the site for the page you have found, and copy and paste the URL into the link field by "web adddress," then click "OK.")
Date of Blog Post
Paste the URL of blog post below the linked title (yes, it's a second time)
Author of Blog Post (or username if that's all that's included for the author)
Title of blog that the post originated from (not the post's title, but the bigger body of blogging-work)
Example of the appropriate format:
HBO declares "Women's Studies" major
[date of post]
Judy Berman
(However, you'll have five different posts, formatted as in the above example, contained in ONE blog post on your blog)